194L Economic Multifunction Power Meter three phase power meter, Digital Panel Voltmeter

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194L Economic Multifunction Power Meter three phase power meter, Digital Panel Voltmeter
194L Economic Multifunction Power Meter is a mini power meter, which cancels some advanced features of the 194Z network multifunction power meter, with a compact size display of all basic electrical parameters. It is the lower cost-effective choice for most electrical monitor applications. Based on these power meters, you can simply set up a monitoring system with the IPC and central software.
The 194L Economic Multifunction Power Meter can replace the traditional analog or many digital measurement instruments (such as an ammeter, voltmeter power meter, power factor meter, frequency meter, etc.) with the advantages of improving system reliability making the on-site wiring convenient and reducing system cost.
All power parameter measurement;
Power factor measurement and control;
Energy Measurement;
Replacing the three-phase power meter, three phase electricity transmitter;
Transformers, generators, capacitors and electric motors distributed detection;
Medium and low pressure systems;
SCADA, EMS, DCS integrators.
Class 0.5 for basic power parameter.
Class 1.0 for active energy (KWH), reference IEC62053-21.
LCD screen display 3 lines 4 digits and 1 decimal 0~9999
72*72mm panel mounting size.
ITF Technology: galvanic insulation protection inputs outputs