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International Working Mechanisms

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CCCME Multi/Bi-lateral Cooperation Mechanisms Overview

Since 2007, delegated by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM), China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME) has served as the Chinese Secretariat or Chinese Office of more than 10 intergovernmental multi/bi-lateral mechanisms, such as China Russia Chamber of Commerce for Machinery and Electric Products, China Provinces and US California/Michigan Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment Cooperation, Business Forum Italy-China, CICA Business Council, China-Finland Committee for Innovative Business Cooperation, China-KSA Five-year Action Plan on Mutual Business Visits, China-UAE Five-year Action Plan on Mutual Business Visits, China-Algeria Five-year Action Plan on Mutual Business Visits, and Council of Entrepreneurs France-China.
These mechanisms operate under the guidance of both Chinese and foreign governments. Broadly participated by local governments and key enterprises, they are not only high-end platforms for industry exchanges, enterprise matchmaking, technical cooperation and business visits between China and other countries, but also important channels for policy interpretation, information sharing and suggestions collection. They have become “the second track” that boost economic and trade exchanges as well as investment cooperation between China and the rest of the world.
As the Chinese Secretariat or Chinese Office, CCCME has organized numerous matching activities for leaders’ high-level visits, led trade promotion delegations to overseas markets, held multi/bi-lateral economic forums, seminars and matching meetings at all levels, and released key policies, projects and industry information in key markets. It has also helped realize China’s ambitions to develop foreign trade, promote cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises, and facilitate Chinese enterprises to “go global”.
In the recent future, under the guidance of MOFCOM, CCCME will keep pushing these mechanisms forward to achieve “specialization, profoundness and regionalization”, so as to serve more local governments and Chinese enterprises, and make greater contributions to China’s higher-level opening-up. We cordially welcome friends from all circles to pay close attention to our work, and await enterprises to join the relevant mechanisms for common development.

China Russia Chamber of Commerce for Machinery and Electric Products

  • Founding Time : November 2007
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, Minister of Economic Development of Russia
  • Participants : Enterprises of China and Russia
  • Secretariats : CCCME, Renova Group
  • Liaison : Zhong Junwei: +86 10 58280753,

China Provinces and US California Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment Cooperation

  • Founding Time : April 2013
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, US California State Government
  • Participants : Chinese provinces, California counties
  • Secretariats : CCCME, LARExC, Bay Area Council
  • Liaison : Liu Chang: +86 10 58280869,

China Provinces and US Michigan Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment Cooperation

  • Founding Time : August 2015
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, US Michigan State Government
  • Participants : Chinese provinces, US Michigan State
  • Secretariats : CCCME, Michigan-China Innovation Center
  • Liaison : Liu Chang: +86 10 58280869,

Business Forum Italy-China (BFIC)

  • Founding Time : June 2014
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Republic of Italy
  • Participants : Enterprises of China and Italy
  • Secretariats : CCCME, ITA, CONFINDUSTRIA
  • Liaison : Zhuang Yuan: +86 10 58280867,

CICA Business Council

  • Founding Time : 2014
  • Participants : Representatives from business and public organization of CICA Member States
  • Secretariats : CICA Business Council Chairman Office in CCCME
  • Liaison : Zhong Junwei: +86 10 58280753,

China-Finland Committee for Innovative Business Cooperation

  • Founding Time : April 2017
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
  • Participants :Enterprises of China and Finland
  • Secretariats : CCCME, Confederation of Finnish Industries EK, Business Finland
  • Liaison : Yao Xingpei: +86 10 58280863,

China-KSA Five-year Action Plan on Mutual Business Visits

  • Founding Time : August 2017
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, Ministry of Investment Saudi Arabia
  • Participants : Enterprises of China and KSA
  • Secretariats : CCCME, SAGIA
  • Liaison : Meng Xiaojia: +86 10 58280864,

China-UAE Five-year Action Plan on Mutual Business Visits

  • Founding Time : September 2017
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, UAE Ministry of Economy
  • Participants : Enterprises of China and UAE
  • Secretariats : CCCME, Foreign Trade Department of UAE Ministry of Economy
  • Liaison : Zhang Jing: +86 10 58280872,

China-Algeria Five-year Action Plan on Mutual Business Visits

  • Founding Time : January 2018
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFCOM, Ministry of Industry and Mining of Algeria
  • Participants : Enterprises of China and Algeria
  • Secretariats : CCCME, Algerian Investment and Development Agency
  • Liaison : Li Tingting: +86 10 58280866,

Council of Entrepreneurs France-China (CEFC)

  • Founding Time : January 2018
  • Supervisory Departments : MOFOCM, French Ministry of Economics and Finance
  • Participants : Enterprises of China and France
  • Secretariats : CCCME, China-France Committee
  • Liaison : Zhuang Yuan: +86 10 58280867,