Skid Steer Loader-JY700

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代号 名称 参数 H1 最大高度Max. height (mm) 3216 H2 铲斗连接销高度Height to bucket hinge pin (mm) 2803 H3 卸载高度Dump height (mm) 2221 H 驾驶室顶高Height to top of cab (mm) 1908 L 总长(带铲斗)Overall length with bucket (mm) 3334 L1 卸载距离 Dump distance (mm) 760 L2 总长(无附件)Overall length without bucket (mm) 2536 L3 轴距 Wheelbase (mm) 991 L4 后悬长Rear axle centerline to back bumper (mm) 1015 B 铲斗宽度Bucket width (mm) 1700 B1 轮距Tread (mm) 1480 B2 总宽(轮胎外沿)Overall length to outside of tyre (mm) 1730 D 离地间隙 Ground clearance (mm) 185 R 前转弯半径 Clearance circuit front (mm) 2012 ɑ1 最高位置卸料角度Dump angle at max height (°) 39° ɑ2 地面位置收斗角 Max attachment rollback when bucket on ground (°) 25° ɑ3 离去角Angle of departure(°) 14°