TIANJIN LIHO GROUP ANIMAL BY- PRODUCTS IMP.& EXP.CO., LTD. was founded in 2008 on the requirements for an overall development strategy of Liho Group. It is a State-owned specialized foreign trade company of a new type which is funded by the Liho Group as the holding company with its subordinated enterprises as the share purchasing companies. Tianjin Liho Group Animal By-Products Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. is ready to meet the competitions and challenges with a completely new concept and an idea of management in line with the fresh enterprise spirit of the Liho Group featured by continuous development and creation.The business scope of the company mainly includes the handling of foods and animal by-products like casing, fur, various brushes, etc.; garments and textiles like fashionable dress, work clothes and materials of textiles; building materials like hardware & tools, machinery & equipment etc.; as well as the import and export of some other commodities allowed by the State on its own or on commission basis and processing production with imported, supplied materials and on the sample of the customer and compensation trade.