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monitoring system for ups
monitoring system for ups
monitoring system for ups
monitoring system for ups


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1.Data acquisition terminal: Collect all kinds of operation parameters in power equipment and send them to cloud platform in wireless form. 2.Cloud platform processing: Compare the received data and give an alarm immediately in case of any alarm. 3.Client side: Log in to the system through mobile phone or computer, check the running status of the device in real time, and accept real-time alarm information through mobile app, SMS, email and other forms.

Monitoring of ups system

Cloud monitoring

1.Data acquisition terminal:                                         

Collect all kinds of operation parameters in power equipment and send them to cloud platform in wireless form.

2.Cloud platform processing:

Compare the received data and give an alarm immediately in case of any alarm.

3.Client side:

Log in to the system through mobile phone or computer, check the running status of the device in real time, and accept real-time alarm information through mobile app, SMS, email and other forms.


power & environment supervision 

In order to achieve the real-time monitoring of network power and environment, guarantee the normal operation of the network, Reros power is combined with many years of experience in banking terminal equipment research and development, launch WIPS centralized monitoring management system, can realize monitoring of the center machine room, and many branches  in 7 * 24 hour.


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