TOC(total organic carbon)Tester
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TOC-10 TOC tester is designed for the online and offline test of pharmaceutical grade water, WFI(water for inj.), ultra-pure water, and deionized water and etc. Based on the conductivity difference technology, it is being of high-precision capacity and short response-time, also meets the regulation standards issued by government.
Meet the requirements of TOC testing regulated by the Chinese Pharmcopoeia (2010 version) for pharmaceutical grade water
TOC-10 TOC tester is designed for the online and offline test of pharmaceutical grade water, WFI(water for inj.), ultra-pure water, and deionized water and etc. Based on the conductivity difference technology, it is being of high-precision capacity and short response-time, also meets the regulation standards issued by government.
Pharmaceutical water (purified water, water for injection) on-line monitoring and laboratory testing and cleaning validation;
Environmental testing, electronic industry, food industry and so on.
Working Principle
ThistesteradaptstheUV-oxidationmethod,tooxidethesampleorganiccontaminants intocarbondioxidegasthoroughlywhichdissolveintoliquidphaseinstantly,thiswillresult theconductivitydifferencesignalbetweentesttubeandcontroltube,andthefinalTOCvalue canbeconvertedoutbythebelowformula:TOC=TC(totalcarbonintesttube)- TIC(totalinorganiccarbonincontroltube).
Features of product:
1. Lowcostsofoperating, thewholeprocessdoesnotrequiretheuseofanysupplies, suchasworkinggas,reagents,andotherparts.
2. Friendlyinterface,easyandconvenientoperation.
3. Twomode,optionalonlineorofflinemodewiththechoiceofautomaticinjector.
4. Large capacity memory disk.
5. Portabledesign,suitableforuseinvarietyoccasions.
6. Automaticalarm,underthecircumstanceofsampleTOCconcentrationexceedinglimit.
7. Electronicsignature,aswellasusergrademanagement.
8. Goodreproducibityoftesting,supportedbythehigh-precisionsamplingchip.
9. GMP certificated,meetswellwiththeregulationofChinesePharmacopoeia(2010version) issuedbygovernment.
Schematic Diagram of Direct Conductivity Method
1.Delay line
2. UVlamp and quartz tube
3.Conductivity sensor
4.Conductivity sensor
TOC Range | 0.001mg/l—1.000mg/l (1μg/L ~ 1000 μg/L) |
Conductivity detection range | 0.055μs/cm-8.000μs/cm |
Precision | ±3% |
Resolution | 0.001mg/l |
Analyzingmode | continuous |
Responsetime | 6minutes |
Limit | 0.001mg/l |
Sampletemperature | 1-95℃ |
Repeatabilityerror | ≤3% |
Power | AC 220V/50Hz 100W |
Dimensions | 410*240*310mm |
Weight | 8.5kg |
LCDmonitor | colortouchscreen |