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来源:TBT信息通报 时间:2022-05-09 00:00:00


新的ADR将为ADR 108/00。受影响的车辆属于ADR子类别MA、MB、MC、MD、ME、NA、NB和NC。建议制定ADR,采用联合国(UN)第158号法规中包含的倒车辅助装置要求——关于批准倒车装置和机动车的统一规定,以提高驾驶员对车辆后面易受伤害道路使用者的意识。


The Australian Government is examining the case for regulating the fitment of Reversing aids in light, medium and heavy vehicles through the Australian Design Rules (ADRs).
This new ADR would be ADR 108/00. The vehicles affected fall under ADR sub-category MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, NA, NB and NC. It is proposed that the ADR would be developed that adopts the requirements for reversing aids contained in United Nations (UN) Regulation No. 158 – Uniform provisions concerning the approval of devices for reversing motion and motor vehicles with regard to the driver's awareness of vulnerable road users behind vehicles.


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