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日期:2021年8月27日在《联邦公报》(86 FR 48049)上公布的NOPIR的评论期延长至2021年10月12日。要求提供书面意见、数据和信息,并将于2021年10月12日及之前接受。
TITLE: Energy Conservation Program for Appliance Standards: Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces and Commercial Water Heaters: Notification of Proposed Interpretive Rule
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy
ACTION: Notification of proposed interpretive rule; extension of public comment period
SUMMARY: On 15 January 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) published in the Federal Register a final interpretive rule determining that, in the context of residential furnaces, commercial water heaters, and similarly-situated products or equipment, use of non-condensing technology (and associated venting) constitutes a performance-related "feature" under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended (EPCA), that cannot be eliminated through the adoption of an energy conservation standard. On 27 August 2021, DOE published in the Federal Register a notification of proposed interpretive rule (NOPIR) that proposes to return to its previous and long-standing interpretation, under which the technology used to supply heated air or hot water is not a performance related "feature" that provides a distinct consumer utility under EPCA. The NOPIR provided an opportunity for submission of written comments, data, and information to the DOE no later than 27 September 2021. Prior to the end of that comment period, several stakeholders submitted a joint request seeking additional time to consider the issues raised in the NOPIR. In light of this request, DOE is extending the comment period on the subject NOPIR for an additional 15 days.
DATES: The comment period for the NOPIR published in the Federal Register on 27 August 2021 (86 FR 48049) is extended to 12 October 2021. Written comments, data, and information are requested and will be accepted on and before 12 October 2021.