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WTO 新西兰通报G/TBT/N/NZL/107

来源:TBT信息通报 时间:2021-11-02 00:00:00










The single broad policy of this omnibus bill is to achieve a rapid reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from light vehicles imported into New Zealand by increasing the supply and variety of zero- and low-emissions vehicles, increasing the demand for zero- and low-emissions vehicles, and informing New Zealanders about vehicle emissions levels and rebates receivable or charges payable in relation to light vehicles.

Elements of the Bill relevant to the TBT Agreement include:

1.A 'Clean Vehicle Standard' increasing the supply and variety of zero- and low-emissions vehicles. Vehicle importers will be given annually reducing carbon dioxide targets to meet from 2023.
2.Updates to vehicle labelling requirements to inform New Zealanders about carbon dioxide emissions of individual vehicles at point of purchase.

We anticipate that the proposed changes will have a consequential impact on the types of vehicles imported in New Zealand. In particular fewer high carbon dioxide emitting vehicles are forecast to be imported New Zealand, which in turn means that greater quantities of low carbon dioxide emission vehicles, such as hybrids and electric vehicles, would be imported. Annual average carbon dioxide targets on vehicles entering New Zealand are set out by the Bill.

Products Covered:Light motor vehicle (cars, SUVs, vans, light trucks, up to 3.5 tonne gross vehicle mass)


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