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将为1900-1910 MHz频率范围内的铁路移动无线电(RMR)创建一个新的RIR(RIR0501-32)。
1626.5-1646.5 MHz和14.00-14.25 GHz频率范围内的RIR(RIR0601-05、RIR0808-15)将被删除,因为Inmarsat-B和Euteltracs不再使用。
在频率范围为873-925 MHz的GSM-R域中,由于ECC/DEC(20)02替换了ECC/DEC/(02)05,因此将对RIR(RIR0501-16、RIR0501-17、RIR0501-18)进行修改。
标准EN 303 981将添加到RIR(RIR0806-22、RIR0806-24)中,并因“授权制度”的统一而进行调整。
RIR RIR0806-05将进行修改,以涵盖SUT(卫星用户终端)应用。由于ECC/DEC(05)01的变更和“授权制度”文本的统一,将进行进一步调整。
RIR RIR0806-18将进行修改,以涵盖VSAT(甚小孔径终端)和HEST(高e.i.r.p.卫星终端)应用。由于ECC/DEC(06)03的变更和“授权制度”文本的统一,将进行进一步调整。
将对适用于移动式干扰机、固定式干扰机和其他拟由当局操作以保障公共安全的特殊电子设备的技术和行政法规(TAV 5.2、TAV 5.3、TAV 5.4)进行调整。出于电气安全和健康原因,将取消通过测试报告证明符合基本要求的义务。已满足要求的书面确认就足够了。关于选择对移动干扰机、固定干扰机和其他拟由当局操作以保障公共安全的特殊电子设备进行认证测量的测试实验室,要求将从“认可”调整为“认可”,这在选择测试实验室方面提供了更多选择。
The Ordinance of the Swiss Federal Office of Communications on telecommunications installations (OOIT) specifies the basic technical requirements with regard to telecommunications installations set out by the Swiss Federal Council. It regulates the use of radio interfaces in Switzerland.
For legal reasons, the version of each RIR was increased by 1. Nothing has changed in content except for the following RIRs:
A new RIR (RIR0501-32) for Railway Mobile Radio (RMR) in the frequency range 1900 - 1910 MHz will be created.
The RIR (RIR0601-05, RIR0808-15) in the frequency ranges 1626.5 - 1646.5 MHz and 14.00 - 14.25 GHz will be deleted since Inmarsat-B and Euteltracs are no longer in service.
In the domain of GSM-R in the frequency range 873 - 925 MHz the RIR (RIR0501-16, RIR0501-17, RIR0501-18) will be amended due to the replacement of the ECC/DEC/(02)05 by the ECC/DEC(20)02.
The following modifications concern the domain of FSS (Fixed-Satellite Service) earth stations:
The RIR (RIR0806-06, RIR0806-10, RIR0806-11, RIR0806-16) will be deleted. All applications will remain included in the RIR (RIR0806-17, RIR0806-05, RIR0806-17, RIR0806-18) in the same order.
The standard EN 303 981 will be added to the RIR (RIR0806-22, RIR0806-24) and adjustments due to the unification of the 'Authorisation regime' will be made.
The RIR (RIR0806-01, RIR0806-15, RIR0806-23) will be adjusted due to the unification of the 'Authorisation regime' text.
The RIR (RIR0806-20, RIR0806-21) will be adjusted due to the changes of the ECC/DEC/(13)01 and ECC/DEC/(15)04 and due to the unification of the 'Authorisation regime' text.
The RIR RIR0806-05 will be modified in order to cover also SUT (Satellite User Terminals) applications. Further adaptations will be made due to the changes of ECC/DEC(05)01 and the unification of the 'Authorisation regime' text.
The RIR RIR0806-18 will be modified in order to cover VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminals) and HEST (High e.i.r.p. Satellite Terminals) applications. Further adaptations will be made due to the changes of ECC/DEC(06)03 and the unification of the 'Authorisation regime' text.
The RIR (RIR0806-17) will be adjusted due to the changes of the ECC/DEC/(06)03 and due to the unification of the 'Authorisation regime' text.
Modifications to VFAV annex 4:
Several modifications will be made regarding the provisions of the type approval procedure which apply to mobile jammers, fixed jammers, and other special electronics intended to be operated by authorities to safeguard public security (VFAV Annex 4, lit. 1.1, 1.2, 1.4).
Modifications to VFAV annex 5:
The technical and administrative regulations (TAV 5.2, TAV 5.3, TAV 5.4) which apply to mobile jammers, fixed jammers, and other special electronics intended to be operated by authorities to safeguard public security will be adapted. For electrical safety and health reasons, the obligation to prove compliance with the essential requirements by means of test reports will be lifted. A written confirmation that the requirements have been met will be sufficient. Concerning the choice of the test laboratory that carries out the approval measurements for mobile jammers, fixed jammers, and other special electronics intended to be operated by authorities to safeguard public security, the requirement will be adjusted from "accredited" to "recognized", which gives more options in the choice of the test laboratory.
Proposed date of adoption: 08/11/2021
Proposed date of entry into force: 01/01/2022
Final date for comments: 31 October 2021