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泰国通报关于侧面碰撞时乘员保护的车辆部长级法规草案(TIS 2399-256X(202X))

来源:TBT信息通报 时间:2021-10-18 00:00:00


泰国工业标准协会(TISI)建议修订泰国车辆工业标准草案,以在发生横向碰撞时保护乘员(TIS 2399-256X(202X))。主要修订内容包括标准范围和测试方法。


The Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) has proposed to amend the draft Thai Industrial Standard for Vehicles with regard to the Protection of the Occupants in the Event of a Lateral Collision (TIS 2399-256X(202X)). The main amendment covers scope of the standard and testing method.



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