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以色列通报 G/TBT/N/ISR/1220

来源:TBT信息通报 时间:2021-10-12 00:00:00









Draft amendment of the Wireless Telegraphy Ordinance incorporated into Israel's Economic Policy Law (Legislation Amendments for the Implementation of the Economic Policy for Budget years 2021 and 2022), 5781-2021, Chapter _: Imports, published by the Ministry of Finance.

Israel's Economic Policy Law is a government bill presented to the Knesset (Israel's parliament) alongside the State Budget Law. This legislation incorporates government legislative amendments for structural, institutional, and policy reforms necessary to fulfil its economic policy. The Economic Policy Law devotes a separate section to the Wireless Telegraphy Ordinance and introduces an amendment aiming to reduce the cost of living by facilitating the flow of imported goods into Israel.

The notified amendment allows for wireless apparatus to be imported into Israel based on compliance with EU Regulations and requires an importer's Declaration of Conformity. It also expends the frequency bands also based on an importer's Declaration of Conformity.

The notified draft amendment should be approved before 4 November 2021, together with Israel's National Budget for the years 2021-2022.

Proposed date of adoption: By 4 November 2021

Proposed date of entry into force: 9 months after publication in Israel's Book of Laws


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