Excavator GE380H
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CUMMINS EFI engine (conforming to Ⅲ-stage emission regulations), powerful, energy efficient, reliable and durable; advanced negative flow hydraulic system, comfortable operation, high operating efficiency, excellent cost performance; full power control, four power modes to adapt to different work; reliable and accurate fuel injection system, real-time control of fuel injection, making combustion more complete, fuel efficiency; full 3D modeling and finite element analysis technology to ensure the reliability and stability of structural parts.
Kg 37300 KW/rpm 214/2000 m3 1.8(1.8~2.2) mm 11280 mm 3280 mm 3560 mm 3155 mm 3172 mm 1183 KN 288 Km/hr 5.5/3.3 rpm 8.8 Degree(%) 35(70%) Kgf/cm2 0.70 10546 mm 10349 mm 5884 mm 5707 mm 4021 mm 11110 mm 7900 mm 3514 mm 240 KN 214 KN操作重量Operating weight 功率Rated power 标准斗容Rated bucket capacity 总长 Length 总宽(600mm履带)Width(600mm track) 总高 Height 转台宽度 Turntable width 驾驶室离地高Height of cabin 配重离地间隙 Ground clearance of counterweight 最大牵引力Max. traction 行走速度(高/低)Traveling speed (H/L) 回转速度Swing speed 爬坡能力 Gradeability 接地比压 Ground pressure 最大挖掘半径Maximum digging radius 地面最大挖掘半径Ground maximum digging radius 最大挖掘深度Maximum digging depth 地面最大挖掘深度Ground maximum digging depth 最大垂直挖掘深度Maximum vertical digging depth 最大挖掘高度Maximum digging height 最大卸载高度Maximum dumping height 最小前部回转半径Min. front turning radius 铲斗挖掘力Bucket digging force 斗杆挖掘力Stick digging force