Turnkey Systems

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Networks and workforce
Turnkey systems: solutions for the future
Faced by project's growing complexity, operators often seek global answers to their needs. Alstom Transport combines all its transversal know-how as a multi-specialist manufacturer to manage complete rail systems: rolling stock, signalling, infrastructure, services... Recent successes have testified to this global competence.
Leading consortiums, Alstom Transport has won two turnkey contracts to supply tramways in Algeria. At Oran, the company will be supplying 30 Citadis, the operating system (signalling and telecommunication) as well as the depot and sub-stations. At Constantine, it will also be delivering the Citadis, the track, electric power, the operating system and the depot.
Mastering multiple forms of know-how, designing unique solutions
The challenge
More and more frequently, operators look for global solutions which allow them to completely delegate all the technical phases of a project, from studies to entry into service, and sometimes beyond. Global and integrated solutions, known as “turnkey”, guarantee optimised costs, reduced delivery times and an optimum performance level for all equipment.
The Alstom solution
Today, Alstom is the only builder to master all the activities of a rail system (infrastructure, track laying, electrification, electric and mechanical equipment, rolling stock, signalling, depots, maintenance…) both for tramway projects and metros, and for main lines or very high-speed lines. It therefore possesses all the know-how and resources needed to implement a turnkey solution.
A customised system benefitting from proven solutions
The integration of solutions from all Alstom Transport product lines, and equally those of its potential partners, is coordinated by a dedicated team that guarantees both a global project vision and specific expertise,
The cross-disciplinary return on experience of Alstom engineering teams in project management, interface management, integration, risk management and R/A/M/S* studies, permits optimised solutions that provide the best answer to operators’ needs.
Turnkey systems, combining all of Alstom Transport’s know-how
A controlled budget and guaranteed financing,
On time project development and delivery,
Innovative products and processes that respect the environment at all levels,
The guarantee of sustainable global performance.