CNC Engraving Machine

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name: X.Graph 650·650B
description: machine features:
■An extremely heavy gantry-type design is combined with powerful drives to provide a machine that is ideally suited for flexible engraving work and also for the most demanding milling operations
■The GPlus control allows quick and complete integration of complex CAD/CAM files
■Using the graphics-based Cycle Editor, even CNC newcomers can quickly and easily create programs for frequently used machining processes
■The fast processor of the GPlus control ensures short machining times and perfect part surfaces, especially when milling complex 3-D designs
■Use of the 12-station tool changer ensures maximum cost savings in all machining operations
■A well-designed machine concept with optimum work space access ensures efficient handling
■A combination of high-quality linear guides, preloaded ball screws and bearings made by renown manufacturers ensure maximum efficiency and accuracy
■Spindle cooling feature for increased tool life and maximum spindle accuracy
●spindle speed 18,000rpm
●12-station tool changer
●includes automatic tool length measurement
Standard Equipment:
GPlus 450 control, 12-station tool changer, electronic hand-wheel, tool gauging, headstock cooling, totally enclosed work space, halogen work lamp, CF card storage, RS-232 port, Ethernet, automatic central lubrication, operating tools, operator manual
Optional Equipment:
4th axis
Technical parameters: