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Rectangular Base Deckplates(Tested)

Specifications: Rectangular Base Deckplates(Tested) A(mm) B(mm) C(mm) D(mm) E(mm) F(mm) Proof Test Tannes Weight(kgs/each) 10 20 25 45 6 38 2 0.14 12.5 25 35 60 8 50 3.5 0.31 16 32 45 70 10 64 5.5 0.45 19 38 50 85 12 76 7.5 0.79 22 44 61 102 12 88 9.6 1.36 25 50 70 115 16 100 13 1.82 28 56 76 130 18 114 15.75 2.95 32 64 85 145 19 128 19.5 3.86 38 76 100 170 22 152 29 6.58 44 89 121 200 27 178 38.25 18 51 102 137 229 30 203 50 25

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