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• 哥伦比亚驻华使馆商务参赞
• 哥伦比亚中国投资贸易商会会领导
• 哥伦比亚出口、旅游、投资及国家品牌促进会
10:15-11:15 中哥参会企业依次介绍交流
11:30-11:45 自由交流
Silican Trading (company) |
“Trading the future”. Through commercial, social and cultural management we connect international markets with Colombian farmers. We focus on the economic growth in the country by promoting a socially sustainable agriculture. http://silica.com.co/en. “交易未来”。通过商业、社会和文化管理,我们将国际市场与哥伦比亚农民联系起来。我们致力于通过促进社会可持续农业来促进国家的经济增长。 |
Brisa Free Zone Port (company) |
The largest industrial complex of Colombia Franco regime. Approved by order of the direction of national taxes and customs, DIAN No. 7613 August 5, 2010, has an area of 355 hectares and is located in the town of Dibulla, Guajira department in the north coast of Colombia against the Caribbean Sea. It has one large multipurpose port specializes in the bulk and liquid products which will develop draft industrial, logistics activities and handling of general cargo. http://www.zofrabrisa.com/brisafreetradezone |
Ruta N (organization) |
We develop various programs and services to facilitate the economic development of the city towards intensive businesses in science, technology, and innovation, in an inclusive and sustainable way. In this way we seek to articulate and energize the innovation ecosystem of Medellin, emphasizing four key ingredients: talent training, access to capital, generation of the necessary infrastructure, and development of innovative businesses. In this way we promote an innovative culture, the creation of jobs, strengthening of institutions, talent training, and access to markets. Our main purpose is aimed at improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the city through innovation. https://www.rutanmedellin.org/en/about-us |
Invest In Bogotá (organization): https://en.investinbogota.org/ 波哥大投促局 |
Zona Franca Pacifico/ Pacific Free Trade Zone (company) |
We are a modern, private industrial park that operates as a Duty Free Zone, located in the Department of Valle del Cauca in Southwestern Colombia. The Zona Franca del Pacifico S.A. User & Operator offers free regime benefits and seeks to promote and develop the process of industrialization of goods, productive linking and services, as well as strengthening the competitiveness of its users and clients, taking advantage of the opportunities for international trade and bilateral agreements signed by Colombia. http://www.zonafrancadelpacifico.com/en/nosotros/#quienes_somos |
Zona Franca Bogotá / Bogotá Free trade Zone (company) |
We are a group of companies driven to identify business opportunities in international trading, as well as proposing solutions that improve the competitiveness of our clients through the provision of properties, infrastructure and the proper endowment to facilitate agile operational mechanisms for international business. Our work is governed by values such as transparency, security, innovation and sustainability ensuring the best results for all stakeholders, while caring for the environment. http://www.grupozfb.com/en/about-zfb-group 498/5000 |