Jiangsu Chuanglan Solar Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. established in Aug. 2006 with a registration capital of 2.99million US dollars, is a company focusing on solar energy exploitation and utilization. it is a professional enterprise with R&D team, production line and sales team on environmental friendly products, energy saving products and air purifying products with the support of its engineers, advanced production equipment and laboratory. It's an outstanding manufacturer in the world with high technology, big production capacity, wild product range and strong competitiveness on domestic solar assisted air conditioners, commercial solar assisted air conditioners, atmospheric water generators, air purifiers and dehumidifiers.
Chuanglan includes one head office and one subsidiary company Suzhou Sunsnow. Its head office locates in New Technology Industrial Development Zone of Chuangshu City, where is with full access to development opportunities. It has more than 80 patents at home and abroad, total access is over 12.9million US dollars at present, and has been selected as Wal-Mart’s qualified supplier in Jan 2014. With a land of 21,000 square meter and a plant of over 22,000 square meter, equipped with 3 automatic production lines and research and testing facilities, Chuanglan is able to produce 500,000 units annually. Thus, Chuanglan is the only manufacturer with research and development ability, production line and sales team on hybrid solar air conditioner industry, whose annually turnover is 32million US dollars. Thanks to its R & D ability and production capacity, It has been successfully marketing its products to over 130 countries. Chuanglan has made a big leap in a few years.
Aiming at becoming the top company in the clean energy development and usage area, Chuanglan considers solar air conditioner as its core product, and produces air purifiers, solar water heaters, atmospheric water generators and high energy water drinking machines at the same time. A technical, industrialization and internationalization Chuanglan is growing rapidly.