Changsha Yuxuan Grain and Oil Machinery Co., Ltd. is a leading export company in China, and has specialized in supplying rice, flour oil and corn (maize) processing machinery and spare parts for more than 20 years. Our main scope of business Rice processing machinery includes steel silos, paddy dryers, combined cleaners & stoners, cleaning sieves, stoners, rice hullers (husk separators), thickness graders, paddy separators, rice whiteners, rice polishers, water polishers (silk rice polishers), white rice graders, rice indented cylinders, hammer mills, disk mills, color sorters, small rice mills, combined rice mills, 15-ton to 200-ton complete rice mill sets and related equipment. Spare parts: rubber rollers, screens, emery (abrasive) rollers, buckets, bolts, flat belts and related products. Flour processing machinery includes cleaning machines, flour mills, wheat scourers, wheat washers, scroll mills, purifiers, small flour mill units, 15 to 200-ton complete flour mill sets and related products. Oil processing machinery includes shellers, pre-press oil expellers, screw oil expellers, extruders, cookers, flakers, oil filters, oil pumps, 30 to 200-ton complete oil seed pretreatment and pressing mills, oil refining mills, oil extraction mills and more. Corn processing machinery includes corn (maize) threshers, corn (maize) mills, 15 to 100-ton complete corn mill sets and related equipment. Corollary equipment includes air blowers, air locks, air filters, dust collectors, magnetic selectors, pipes, electric cabinets and conveyors.