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标准号: IEC 61249-2-13-1999
中文题名: 印制板和其他互联结构用材料 第2-13部分:包被和非包被增强基材分规范集 阻燃型铜包被的非编织的芳香聚酰胺层状氰酯
英文题名: Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-13: Sectional specification set for reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Cyanate ester non-woven aramid laminate of defined flammability, copper-clad
发布出版日期: 1999-02 实施日期: 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: IX-IEC 开本页数: 16P.;A4
被代替标准信息: IEC 52/791/FDIS-1998
IEC 60249-2-13-1987
IEC 60249-2-13 AMD 1-1993
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号: L30
国际标准分类号: 31.180  
分规范 电子设备及元件 规范 印制电路 氰酸盐酯 基底材料 芳族聚酰胺
Aramide Base materials Conductive materials Conductivity Copper Copper-clad Cyanate ester Electric conductors Electrical engineering Electronic equipment and components Epoxides Glass-fibre reinforced plastics Interconnection structures Printed circuits Printed-circuit boards Reinforced materials Sectional specification Specification

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