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标准号: IEC 61009-2-1-1991
中文题名: 家用和类似用途的有综合过电流保护的剩余电流断路器(RCBO's) 第2-1部分:通用规则对功能上与线电压无关的剩余电流断路器的适用性
英文题名: Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's); part 2.1: applicability of the general rules to RCBO's functionally independent of line voltage
发布出版日期: 1991-07 实施日期: 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: IX-IEC 开本页数: 6P.;A4
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号: K31
国际标准分类号: 29.120.50  
自动断路器 电气工程 过电流保护装置 开关 家用 断路器
Ability to switch Ageing (materials) Alternating current Alternating voltages Ambient temperature Bodies Checking equipment Circuit-breakers Clearances Contact safety devices Corrosion protection Cutoff Design Dissipated energy Domestic electrical installations Earth-leakage circuit-breakers Electrical engineering Electrical installations Electrical protection equipment Electrical safety Fault current breakers Fault currents Heating House installations Household use Impulse voltages Inscription Inspection Insulations Interruptions Leakage paths Limitations Low voltage Low-voltage equipment Marking Mechanism Miniature circuit-breakers Order of connection Overcurrent Overcurrent circuit-breakers Overcurrent protection Overcurrent protection devices Overload relays Protection devices Protections against foreign matters Protective insulations Rated current Ratings Release Residual current operated circuit-breakers Residual current-operated devices Routine check tests Self-acting circuit-breakers Short circuits Short-circuit strength Specification (approval) Switches Switch-fuses Switchgear Test series Testing Thermal stability Tripping mechanisms (circuit-breakers) Vibration proofness

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