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标准号: EN ISO 9920-2009
中文题名: 热环境人类工程学.整套服装的保暖和耐水蒸汽能力的估计(ISO 9920:2007,修改件2008-11-01),德文版本 EN ISO 9920:2009
英文题名: Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Estimation of thermal insulation and water vapour resistance of a clothing ensemble (ISO 9920:2007, Corrected version 2008-11-01); English version of DIN EN ISO 9920:2009-10
原文题名: Ergonomie der thermischen Umgebung - Absch?tzung der W?rmeisolation und des Verdunstungswiderstandes einer Bekleidungskombination (ISO 9920:2007, Korrigierte Fassung 2008-11-01); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 9920:2009
发布出版日期: 2009-10 实施日期: 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: EN 开本页数: 111P.;A4
被代替标准信息: EN ISO 9920-2007
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号:
国际标准分类号: 13.040.20  13.180  61.020  
Air spaces Assessment Climate Clothing Combination Data acquisition Definitions Environment Environmental effect Ergonomics Estimation Evaporation Evaporative resistance Heat exchange Heat loss Human body Influence factors Mathematical calculations Measurement Measuring techniques Physiological effects (human body) Simulation Testing conditions Textiles Thermal Thermal comfort Thermal environment Thermal insulation Thermal stress Winds

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