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标准号: DIN EN ISO 12402-4/A1-2010
英文题名: Personal flotation devices - Part 4: Lifejackets, performance level 100 - Safety requirements - Amendment 1 (ISO 12402-4:2006/Amd 1:2010); German version EN ISO 12402-4:2006/A1:2010
原文题名: Pers?nliche Auftriebsmittel - Teil 4: Rettungswesten, Stufe 100 - Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen - ?nderung 1 (ISO 12402-4:2006/Amd 1:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 12402-4:2006/A1:2010
发布出版日期: 2010-11 实施日期: 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: DE-DIN 开本页数: 8P;A4
被代替标准信息: DIN EN ISO 12402-4/A1-2008
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号:
国际标准分类号: 13.340.70  
Accessories Aquatic sports equipment Buoyancy Buoyancy aids Classification Classification systems Coastal shipping Coastal waters Coastal zones Colour Consumer information Data of the manufacturer Deployment of personal Design Dimensions Efficiency Flotation agents Flotation (process) Functions Inland waters Inland waterway transport Inspection Instructions for use Leisure equipment Life jackets Life-saving appliances Marine transport Marking Materials Occupational safety Protective clothing Protective equipment Reflection Reflective materials Rescue equipment Retroreflecting Safety engineering Safety requirements Seas Shoreline Specification (approval) Sports equipment Strength of materials Swimming aids Testing Visibleness Water transport Workplace safety

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电话总机:010-58280809 传真:010-58280810,010-58280820 会员服务邮箱:cccmeservice@cccme.org.cn 会员服务热线: 010-58280888