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标准号: BS EN ISO 7235-2009
中文题名: 声学.风道消音装置和风道末端装置的实验室测量程序.插入损失、流动噪声和总压力损失
英文题名: Acoustics - Laboratory measurement procedures for ducted silencers and air-terminal units - Insertion loss, flow noise and total pressure loss
发布出版日期: 2010-04-30 实施日期: 2010-04-30 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: GB-BSI 开本页数: 60P.;A4
被代替标准信息: BS EN ISO 7235-2003
引用信息信息: ISO 3741-1999
ISO 3746
ISO 5167-1
ISO 5221
ISO 9614-3
IEC 60651-2001
IEC 60804-2000
IEC 60942-1997
IEC 61260
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号: P31
国际标准分类号: 91.120.20  
Absorption Acoustic measurement Acoustic testing Acoustics Air ducts Air flow Attenuation constant Cables Calibration Canals Checking equipment Classes Corrrections Damping Definitions Ducts Engine silencers Equipment External noise Fans Flow Graphic symbols Handling Insertion loss Laboratories Laboratory testing Laboratory tests Loudspeakers Measurement Measurement circuits Measuring ducts Measuring environment Measuring equipment Measuring instruments Measuring objects Measuring techniques Microphone arrangement Microphones Mineral wool Noise Noise abatement Noise (environmental) Noise measurements Performance tests Precision Pressure drops Reflection Reverberation rooms Silencers Sonic testing Sound Sound absorption Sound fields Sound intensity Sound level Sound levels Sound meters Sound pressure Sound pressure level Sound sources Structure-borne noise Symbols Test furnaces Test results Testing Testing set-ups Transmittances Ventilation ductwork Ventilation equipment Walls

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电话总机:010-58280809 传真:010-58280810,010-58280820 会员服务邮箱:cccmeservice@cccme.org.cn 会员服务热线: 010-58280888