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标准号: BS EN ISO 4871-2009
中文题名: 声学.机器和设备燥声发射值的声明和检测
英文题名: Acoustics - Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment
发布出版日期: 2010-05-31 实施日期: 2010-05-31 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: GB-BSI 开本页数: 22P.;A4
被代替标准信息: BS EN ISO 4871-1997
引用信息信息: ISO 3740-1980
ISO 3741
ISO 3743-1-1994
ISO 3743-2-1994
ISO 3744-1994
ISO 3745-1977
ISO 3746-1995
ISO 3747-1987
ISO 7574-1-1985
ISO 7574-2-1985
ISO 7574-4-1985
ISO 9614-1-1993
ISO 9614-2-1996
ISO 11200-1995
ISO 11201-1995
ISO 11202-1995
ISO 11203-1995
ISO 11204-1995
IEC 651-1979
IEC 804-1985
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号: Z32
国际标准分类号: 17.140.20  
Acoustic measurement Acoustic testing Acoustics Batches Conformity testing Data of the manufacturer Definitions Emission Emission values Ergonomics General conditions Information Instruments Labelling (process) Machine noise Machines Noise Noise emissions Noise (environmental) Noise reduction Occupational safety Operating stations Pollution control Safety of machinery Sound level Sound power Sound pressure Sound pressure level Sound propagation Statement Testing Verification Working places

地址:北京市东城区建国门内大街18号(恒基中心)办公楼2座8层 邮编:100005

电话总机:010-58280809 传真:010-58280810,010-58280820 会员服务邮箱:cccmeservice@cccme.org.cn 会员服务热线: 010-58280888