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标准号: BS EN ISO 12402-7-2007
中文题名: 个人浮选装置.材料和元部件.安全要求和试验方法
英文题名: Personal flotation devices - Materials and components - Safety requirements and test methods
发布出版日期: 2007-06-29 实施日期: 2007-06-29 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: GB-BSI 开本页数: 90P;A4
被代替标准信息: 02/564504 DC-2002
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号: Y55
国际标准分类号: 13.340.70  
浮力 浮力救护 分类系统 覆层 元部件 制造日期 定义 人员调度 织物 配件 浮选剂 浮选(过程) 泡沫橡胶 体育与娱乐设备 救生衣 作标记 材料 性能要求 防护服装 营救设备 安全工程 安全要求 试样 抽样方法 拉链 规范(验收) 带材 游泳器具 测试 水路运输 带子
Accident prevention Adaptation Aquatic sports equipment Bodies Bonnets Buoyancy Buoyancy aids Chambers Checking equipment Classification systems Cloth Clothing Coatings Collars (clothing) Colour Components Compressed gases Compression Compressive strength Consumers Containers Cycle Cylinders Data of the manufacturer Definitions Deployment of personal Design Dimensions Drop Drowning Drums Evaluations Fabrics Feeding Fire proofness Fire risks Fittings Flexible pipes Flotation agents Flotation (process) Foamed rubber Functions Fuses Gas holders Gas pressure vessels Gases Ignition Inflatable Inflatable devices Inflatables Information Inspection Instructions for use Jigs Labels Leisure equipment Life jackets Life-saving services Loading Marking Matching Materials Measurement Mechanical crimping Metallic Methods Occupational safety Oils Patterns Performance requirements Persons Pictographs Pipes Pressure Pressure tests Principle Properties Protective clothing Protective equipment Reflective Rescue equipment Resistance Resistors Safety Safety engineering Safety requirements Salvage Samples Sampling methods Seats Selling Sexes Slide fasteners Solids Specification (approval) Splash guard Sports equipment Stability Straps Strips Surface spread of flame Swimming aids Tables (data) Taking-out Temperature Testing Textiles Thermal Thermal properties Thermics Topsides Trials Valves Waistcoats Water Water transport Webbing Weights Whistles

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