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标准号: ASTM E1652-2010
中文题名: 金属包覆铂阻温度计、贱金属热电偶和贵金属热电偶制造用氧化镁和氧化铝粉末以及可压扁绝缘体标准规范
英文题名: Standard Specification for Magnesium Oxide and Aluminum Oxide Powder and Crushable Insulators Used in the Manufacture of Metal-Sheathed Platinum Resistance Thermometers, Base Metal Thermocouples, and Noble Metal Thermocouples
发布出版日期: 2010 实施日期: 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: US-ASTM 开本页数: 8P.;A4
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号:
国际标准分类号: 17.200.20 (Temperature-measuring instruments)   29.  
aluminum oxide crushable insulator magnesium oxide mineral-insulated, metal-sheathed cable platinum resistance thermometer thermocouple, base metal thermocouple, noble metal Aluminium oxide (AlO) Crushable insulators Insulated thermocouple wire--specifications Laboratory apparatus--specifications Magnesium oxide (MgO) Metal-sheathed thermometers (specifications) Mineral insulated cable Noble metal thermocouples Platinum resistance thermometers (PRT) Thermocouples

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电话总机:010-58280809 传真:010-58280810,010-58280820 会员服务邮箱:cccmeservice@cccme.org.cn 会员服务热线: 010-58280888