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标准号: ASTM B637-2006e1
中文题名: 高温工作沉淀硬化镍合金棒材、锻件及锻坯的标准规范
英文题名: Standard Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service
发布出版日期: 2006 实施日期: 确认日期:
发布或出版单位: US-ASTM 开本页数: 6P.;A4
相关分类号: 中国标准分类号:
国际标准分类号: 9925   77.150.40 (Nickel and chromium products)  
bar billet N07001 N07080 N07252 N07500 N07718 N07725 N07750 N07752 N09925 UNS N07718 (Ni-Cr alloy, Inconel 718) UNS N07750 (Ni-Cr alloy, Inconel X750) Bars/forging/forging stock--specifications Forgings--specifications High-temperature service applications--nickel (specifications) Incoloy/Inconel Nickel alloy forgings--specifications Nickel alloy rod/bar/wire--specifications Nimonic 80A alloy Precipitation-hardening nickel alloy--specifications Udimet alloy UNS N07001 (Ni-Cr alloy, Waspaloy) UNS N07080 (Ni-Cr alloy, Nimonic 80A) UNS N07252 (Ni-Cr alloy, M252) UNS N07500 (Ni-Cr alloy, Udimet 500) UNS N07718 (Ni-Cr alloy, Inconel 718) UNS N07750 (Ni-Cr alloy, Inconel X750) Bars/forging/forging stock--specifications Forgings--specifications High-temperature service applications--nickel (specifications) Incoloy/Inconel Nickel alloy forgings--specifications Nickel alloy rod/bar/wire--specifications Nimonic 80A alloy Precipitation-hardening nickel alloy--specifications Udimet alloy UNS N07001 (Ni-Cr alloy, Waspaloy) UNS N07080 (Ni-Cr alloy, Nimonic 80A) UNS N07252 (Ni-Cr alloy, M252) UNS N07500 (Ni-Cr alloy, Udimet 500)

地址:北京市东城区建国门内大街18号(恒基中心)办公楼2座8层 邮编:100005

电话总机:010-58280809 传真:010-58280810,010-58280820 会员服务邮箱:cccmeservice@cccme.org.cn 会员服务热线: 010-58280888